

Aupa geroz eta juxtuago nabil txartelekin lehiaketetarako azken egunetan, oraingoan MUGIKORRA KARGATZEKO SOPORTE honekin jarraian azalduko diren lehiaketetan parte hartu nahiko nuke.
Opari bat egiteko izango da. Gurekin duela ia 10 urte hasi zen Maialen badoa lanetik asteazkenenan eta detailetxo bat izan nahi nuen berarekin; gainera azken egunetan, Zer da Scrap? galdetzen zidan, eta oroitzapen bat izatea nahiko nuke; agian lantegietan jendea ez da asko zaintzen eta ez dira batzuk behar bezala saritzen, baino jakin dezan nik asko estimatzen dudala.
Lehiaketa hauetan sartuko dut (momentuz amets egitea dohakoa izaten jarraitzen du eta):

http://saturatedcanarychallenge.blogspot.com.es/search/label/current%20challenge   LOVE
http://totallygorjuss.blogspot.com.es/     HAPPY
http://wildorchidchallenge.blogspot.com.es/    DAISYes

Hi, here I´m with another work to enter in the challenges listed up (dream is for free at today):
I done this another one PHONE CHARGER HOLDER for a good friend in the work that she leaves the job after just 10 years with us.
Some days ago she asked me; What is Scrap?. This!.

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, oraingoan Saturated Canary "Secrets" irudia erabili dut (egia esan, irudi erdia baino ez, dena jartzea ez zetorkidalako ondo), Copic SKETCH rotulagailuekin koloreztatua eta lan honetarako gustokoen dudan Canson Bristol (365gm.) paperean inprimatuta.

The close up of the image, Saturated Canary "Secrets" image (really is only half an image because is so long); coloured with Copic Sketch markers and printed in heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm); my prefer for copics prints.

Hurrengo irudietan ehuskailuaren detaile batzuk. Lore guztiak WILD ORCHID CRAFTSekoak dira; larrosak eta margaritak erabili ditut.

Next images, Holders some datails, all flowers are from WILD ORCHID CRAFTS. Some roses and Daysies a lot ( Cosmos Daysies and Aster Daysies in purple and white tones).

Alde guztiak dekoratuak daude kate obalatu honekin eta perlatxoekin kolore berdinetan.
All sides are decorated too with an oval chain cut die and rinestones.

detaile guztien irudi gehiago.....
and some detailed photos also.....

Nik forratutako bi pintza gehitu ditut, kargatzen ari denean kablea ehusteko......Dena dago kartulina bikoitzaz egina eta patroia larunbatean bertan asmatu nuen pare bat saiakera ondoren.

I added some home covered WOODEN PINs, they will be so util to pin the corde when the phone is charging.....all the holder is double sided glued cardstock (to be more strong) and I made myself the pattern after other two attemps.

Gutxi gora beherako neurriak: Luzeeran 22 zabaleran 10 eta sakonera 3. Poltsikoa 10x10x3.
Begiratu irudian pintza zertarako gehitu dudan eta nola ehusten dion lokarriari kargatzen ari den bitartean.

The size aprox (in zm):  long 22 X 10 and gross 3zm. The "pocket" 10x10x3.
Look the home covered WOODEN PIN doing his work to hold the cord at charging.

Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik (utzi bukaeran zure iritzia nahi baduzu edo harpidetu goiko botoian). Doan da!
Thanks your visit (you can leave a comment at the end of the page if you want or became a follower up the page). Is Free!

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudia/Image: Saturated Canary´s Secrets image.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Canson Iris Vivaldi 02 Cream 185gm.
Paperak/Papers: My Minds Eye  "29 street" paper pad. Prima "Romance Novel".
Coloured with COPIC SKETCH MARKERS, and printed in HEAVY Canson BRISTOL (365gm).
Trokelak/dies: Sizzix Bigz "Weathered clock", quickutz circles, Cheery Lynn Designs Rose leaf strip.
Mome coloured and made pin.
Zinta/Ribbon: HUG SNUG - Seam binding ribbon cream cruise.
Distress Ink pad (All distressed with Walnut Stain pad).
Charms (key) and hand made little charm too,Love chipboard, rinestones, 2 home covered WOODEN PINs, Hot gun, hot glue, Big Shot, Trimcat, corde, 3d foam, scor-pal...

6 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for joining us at WOC with your lovely project! :) It's a beautiful gift!

    Regards Malin ♥

  2. wow, this is stunning! hugs Juls

  3. Wow! This is so beautiful! I adore your gorgeous details and the beautiful design! Thank you for the inspiration! Hugs,Elizabeth

  4. WOW what a work of art, its absolutely beautiful and must have taken forever to make, thanks for joining in with us at saturated canary, big huggies June xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. stunning creation..thanks for sharing with us at SC Challenges..hugs Debs x

  6. super cute and love everything including the colour and peg, Thanks for playing Totally Gorjuss this week, hugs Samantha x


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