
Altered wooden box

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Egun zoragarri eta eguzkitsu on♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥Good-good an sunny morning everyone♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you'd like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English", please use translate gadget on a left side of the blog.

Today I´ve got one mixed media altered project to enter in this months Prima PPP. I took one wooden box and I altered to put inside..........well you can see at the end of the post ;)

This took me for a long to finish. This gots 2 coats of gesso and sand chalkboard paint; then radomly I rubbed few bits of wax here and there and then I painted with chalkboard (egg blue and sea breeze) paint mixed with inks and teal mica. After drying I sand to get out those white spaces I desired. Then I applied on every surface of the box crackle paste and when this was dryed I water down some ink and mica powder teal and I applied over the entire surface to penetrate in all crackle holes to get higher contrast and deeps. To finish I gave a gel matte coat to protect the entire surface.

Gehiago ikusi nahi?
Let's have a look inside shall we?
Quieres ver un poco más?:
Few detailed pictures:

Some micro beads details (love those). I used blue (splash) and green tones (grass).
I embossed in a few areas the script stamp.

Prima flowers, flowers.....did I say flowers???:

I took a few old pencils, glued them together and after one coat of gesso I painted them with chalck paint with a bit of ink, mica powder teal and a pearly nacree medium. I added some texture with chalk paint colored paste and a stone wall stencil, few doily die cuts, doily and flower trim....

Look at the crackle effect that clear crackle texture paste brings:

Some detailed pictures of glass glitter ( I used midnight blue and platinum ) and mica flakes in gold leaf and frosted.

As I promised: what this going to hold inside???? well......I was thinking to put inside my tiny prima little bottles.......but I can´t put all of them......so I need to make another kind of container hurry ;)

The inside is all covered with prima paper.

I started with this selection of products; I don´t use some of them finaly, but I added another ones ;)


Hasi berri den aste zoragarri hau goza dezazuela opa dizuet.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your starting week.

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica semana tod@s.

Happy scrapping.



Faery Ink card

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Gabon denori♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥Good evening everyone♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you'd like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English", please use translate gadget on a left side of the blog.

Hola a tod@s; buenas noches.

Aste pare bat izango da digi polit hau dohan eskaini zela eta hasieratik gustatu zitzaidanez, berarekin zerbait egitea pentsatu nuen eta nere paper berriak zoragarri zihoakioten, beraz udaberrirako ez-ohikoak diren kolore hauekin ausartzea erabaki dut.

He preparado una tarjeta primaveral en unos tonos bastante inusuales pero que hacían juego con mis nuevos flamantes papeles que llevo esperando 3 meses. Faery Ink. ofreció este digi tan bonito gratis hace poco y era una oportunidad estupenda para colorearlo y de paso, jugar un poco y hacerle algo en el fondo para que no quedase como en volandas.

COPICs utilizados:
Piel: E0000, 00, 21, 13,  R30 y R32
Labios: R32, 37 y 39
Ojos: BV04, YG21
Pelo:  BV00, 11, 25, 29 y 100
Alas: YG93, 95, 97, E40, 42, 43 y 44
Vestido: E40, 42, 44 V000, RV63, 66 y 69
Setas: E97, 07, 09 y 18
Flores: YG95, 21, RV63, 66, 69, RV32, 34, R32, 37, 39 Y38
Lilas: RV32, 34, R30, 32, RV66 y R37
Guantes: E40, 42 y 44
Verdes / hojas: YG21, 95 y 97
Naranjas: YR31, Y38 YR68
Hierba y flores: YG91, 93, 95, 97, 99 V000, RV32, 34 y R32
Sombras: N1, N3


I´ve got this little chippie from DA and I embossed it to get more real tree branch look.

Hasi berri den astea goza dezazuela opa dizuet.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your starting week.

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica semana tod@s.
Happy scrapping.



Altered Egg carton

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Egun on♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥Good morning everyone♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you'd like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English", please use translate gadget on a left side of the blog.

Egun on bisitan zaretenoi. Gaurkoan dibertsioz eta lagun bateri oparitzeko arraultzak ipintzen diren horietako kutxatxo bat alteratu dut. Erraza izaten da normalean kartoi horietako bat arroxa topatzea ezta??????......ba nere erriko saltoki guztietan arroxa kolorekorik ez zegoen, beraz margotu behar izan nuen.

Here I´m sharing one of my latest project; an altered egg carton. This is going to be for a frend. Here's the result and I hope you like this one I made.

I followed this sketch (turly difficult in this tiny space): from Copic Sverige
The digi is from Alicia Bel; she offered this one as a freebie for a weekend.

 All the flowers and steams are from Iam Roses

 All the papers are from Maja and I want to enter this months mood board contest.


Aprobetxatu egun zoragarri hau, bihartik aurrera eguraldi oso txarra iragarrita dago eta!.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your week!

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica semana tod@s.
Happy scrapping.

http://nordsalten-hobbyklubb.blogspot.com.es/2015/03/113-bingo.html (something yellow, lace, bling/glitter)(beads,feaders,dies)


Stationary box - Faery Ink.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Egun on♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥Good morning everyone♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you'd like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English", please use translate gadget on a left side of the blog.

Hola a tod@s; buenos días.

Egun on bisitan etorri zareten denori. Gaurkoan oso entretenigarria egiteko izan den bulegoko mahaian jartzeko kaxatxo hau prestatu dut. Bertan, papera, sobreak, klipak.....dena eskura izateko eskulana egin dut. Urteetan kaxa hauekin arazo berdina izan dut; ohikoak diren tapak eginez, lekurik ez koloreztatutako irudia eta apaingarriak jartzeko, beraz.....nere bertsiorako tapa handitu egin dut eta kitto arazoa. Ikaragarri eskertuko duen neskatxa batentzat oparia izango da.

Here I´m sharing one of my latest project; an stationery box. Here's the result and I hope you like this one I made.

He preparado una stationary box; la traducción exacta no se cual es pero en definitiva se trata de meter dentro de una cajita todo un set de escritorio compuesto por papel para cartas, sobres, libreta de direcciones.....material de escritorio en definitiva y va ha ser un regalo para una niña que lo va ha apreciar seguro.

Cual ha sido hasta ahora el mayor problema al hacer una de estas cajas????....pues que con la tapa de tamaño habitual es imposible hacer algo que sobresalga mucho y casi imposible poner un sello coloreado por falta de espacio.....pensando, pensando......se me ocurrió la solución y eso que la tenía como se dice delante de las narices, ( a veces nos obcecamos y perdemos la perspectiva ): Hacer el tamaño de la tapa más grande y que cubra así toda la caja, ganando espacio y pudiendo meter mucho relieve en nuestro proyecto, porque al ser la tapa que luego retiramos, no nos va ha molestar a la hora de tomar nuestras notas. Así que me inventé mis propias medidas pasando de los inumerables tutoriales que hay en la red y que ninguno contempla este pequeño (para mí GRAN) cambio.

La foto del digi la hice antes de hacerle las sombras de transparencias a las alas del hada y para cuando me dí cuenta ya la había recortado y pegado....lo sssssssiiiiento ;(

I took the picture before painted shadows on wings; so sorry ;(

Gehiago ikusi nahi?
Let's have a look inside shall we?
Quieres ver un poco más?:

Bookmark tag

 Paper clips

Top of the box

The lilies are from scribble and scrap.


Everything out.

Aprobetxatu egun zoragarri hau, bihartik aurrera eguraldi oso txarra iragarrita dago eta!.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your week!

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica semana tod@s.
Happy scrapping.