
Stationary box - Faery Ink.

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Egun on♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
♥♥♥♥♥♥Good morning everyone♥♥♥♥♥♥

If you'd like to continue reading but my languaje is not very familiar to you, or you can´t understand "my English", please use translate gadget on a left side of the blog.

Hola a tod@s; buenos días.

Egun on bisitan etorri zareten denori. Gaurkoan oso entretenigarria egiteko izan den bulegoko mahaian jartzeko kaxatxo hau prestatu dut. Bertan, papera, sobreak, klipak.....dena eskura izateko eskulana egin dut. Urteetan kaxa hauekin arazo berdina izan dut; ohikoak diren tapak eginez, lekurik ez koloreztatutako irudia eta apaingarriak jartzeko, beraz.....nere bertsiorako tapa handitu egin dut eta kitto arazoa. Ikaragarri eskertuko duen neskatxa batentzat oparia izango da.

Here I´m sharing one of my latest project; an stationery box. Here's the result and I hope you like this one I made.

He preparado una stationary box; la traducción exacta no se cual es pero en definitiva se trata de meter dentro de una cajita todo un set de escritorio compuesto por papel para cartas, sobres, libreta de direcciones.....material de escritorio en definitiva y va ha ser un regalo para una niña que lo va ha apreciar seguro.

Cual ha sido hasta ahora el mayor problema al hacer una de estas cajas????....pues que con la tapa de tamaño habitual es imposible hacer algo que sobresalga mucho y casi imposible poner un sello coloreado por falta de espacio.....pensando, pensando......se me ocurrió la solución y eso que la tenía como se dice delante de las narices, ( a veces nos obcecamos y perdemos la perspectiva ): Hacer el tamaño de la tapa más grande y que cubra así toda la caja, ganando espacio y pudiendo meter mucho relieve en nuestro proyecto, porque al ser la tapa que luego retiramos, no nos va ha molestar a la hora de tomar nuestras notas. Así que me inventé mis propias medidas pasando de los inumerables tutoriales que hay en la red y que ninguno contempla este pequeño (para mí GRAN) cambio.

La foto del digi la hice antes de hacerle las sombras de transparencias a las alas del hada y para cuando me dí cuenta ya la había recortado y pegado....lo sssssssiiiiento ;(

I took the picture before painted shadows on wings; so sorry ;(

Gehiago ikusi nahi?
Let's have a look inside shall we?
Quieres ver un poco más?:

Bookmark tag

 Paper clips

Top of the box

The lilies are from scribble and scrap.


Everything out.

Aprobetxatu egun zoragarri hau, bihartik aurrera eguraldi oso txarra iragarrita dago eta!.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your week!

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica semana tod@s.
Happy scrapping.

24 comentarios:

  1. Oh my goodness this is just stunning, so much work and so beautifully done, I just love it! Andree (Guest Designer Butterfly Challenge #26)

  2. What a beautiful gift you have made. All the parts have been so lovingly put together. It must have taken you a while to produce. Your image is coloured perfectly and her wings look great. Thankyou for fluttering by my #26 butterfly challenge. hugs Mrs A.

  3. Espectacular trabajo como siempre. Me encanta Muacs!

  4. wow, this stationery is really cute!! I love it....flower power, yea!!
    Thank you for your project for Storie di timbri carta e...challenge!

  5. What a brilliant design, Elena! Fabulous coloring and amazing details. This must have taken forever to make, but is certainly well worth it. Thanks so much for joining our "Lucky Colors" Challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD

  6. Zelako proiektu bikaina!
    Holan den dena bere lekuan eukiko duzu!eta gainera zure estiloan!
    Eta bai...gaur euria...kk

  7. Wow this is amazing...love your work Elena. Wonderful colours and detail.
    Thanks for playing along with us at The Paper Shelter. Pat K xx

  8. this is an absolutely gorgeous stationary box, absolutely love it! thank you so much for playing along with us at that craft place!
    Rachel, TCP DT

  9. Fabulous project, Elena. What a lot of work, but certainly well worth it. Delightful images and all beautifully coloured. Stunning colours. Gorgeously embellished.
    Thanks for coming over to share this with us at the Fussy and Fancy Friday Challenge.

  10. Wow, wunderschön. Da warst Du super fleißig. Ich bin hin und weg. Ganz toll geworden.
    Vielen Dank für Deine Teilnahme an unserer aktuellen ASC-Challenge.
    Liebe Grüße, Manuela

  11. this is outstanding! Not only a great idea, but it looks just amazing! Perfect colouring, and perfectly embellished :)
    Thank you for joining Crafts & Me, and Aurora Wings' Challenge.
    Hugs, Laila

  12. What a lovely project. Thank you for joining us at Crafting From The Heart this time and we hope to see you again soon. Tracy DT

  13. What an amazing, beautiful project!! Thanks for joining us at the Artbymiran Challenge Blog.

  14. WOW - this is absolutely stunning! :) Love your coloring. I imagine it must have taken you while to get all things ready... A perfect gift!
    Thank you for joining us att Paradise of Stamps! Katarina DT

  15. This is a gorgeous set of creations, lovely colours! Thanks for playing at Creative Inspirations! xxx

  16. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous stationary box with us in The Shabby Tea Room! Its so so pretty.....the person who receives this is very lucky.

  17. beautiful! thanks to savushka.scrap

  18. Здорово! Очень красиво! Только непонятно... Спасибо от Савушка.Скрап

  19. This is so lovely. Everything about it is sweet - thank you for joining us at Penny's Paper-Crafty this week and good luck - Michelle x

  20. Great project,I really like it and love all the colors. Thanks for joining us at Penny's Paper Crafty Challenge.

  21. What a pretty and amazing stationery collection. It fits the Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Inspiration and Challenge Blog Monthly Challenge this month well of “fancy and frills”. Thank you for taking part and best wishes in the draw. Kym (Ching-Chou Kuik Digital Stamps Design Team Leader)

  22. Super. Stunning .
    Thank you for your project for Storie di timbri carta e...challenge!
    Thank you for your project for TSM..challenge!
    Thank you for your project for Craft your passion...challenge!

  23. Wonderful!!!!
    Thank you for your project for Storie di timbri carta e...challenge!
    A hug

  24. Such a sweet card! Thanks for joining in Card Mania Challenge


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