
Bonjour colection MINI - PATRICIA´s SCRAP

Aupa, amaitu dira neretzat oporrak. Ez dut argazki kamera reflexa etxean eta argazkiak KK bat dira, baino post hau jarri behar nuen. Oporretan ez dugu eguraldi oso ona eduki eta zerbait skrapeatzen ibili naiz dakizutenez.
Martxo erdialdera nere bigarren scrap tailerrera joan nintzen eta bertan hasi genuen Mini Albuna erakutsi nahi dizuet (oporretan amaitu dudana alegia). Argazki hobeagoak larunbatean aterako ditut.

Irakaslea: PATRICIA eta berea da ideia orijinal hau. Bere lana hemen ikusi dezakezue:  http://pat-patriciasscrap.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/quiero-volver.html
Tartetxo bat baduzue, begiratu zer gauza politak egiten dituen. Desiatzen ari naiz noiz izango den bere hurrengo ikastaroa. Eskarrik asko Patricia.

Bukatuta daukat hurrengo lana baino larunbata arte ezin dut publikatu, Time for Magnolia lehiaketa tema berrirako da eta momentuz sekretua da eta ni diseinatzaile gonbidatua naiz bertan oraingoan.

Hi folks, I´m been on hollidays but they finished to me, hubby and childs are in hollidays some days more. They have my reflex. I´m been scrapping something and I want to share the mini album I finished (I´ll took better pictures on saturday). 

I went to a one scrap workshop last march and the mini was the work that we´ll do (really we start at workshop and then I finished at home in those rainy hollidays).
The original idea you can find here:  http://pat-patriciasscrap.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/quiero-volver.html
I can´t stop my self to add some flowers, ribbon.......

Patricia was our teacher and I´m waiting to another workshop with her. She is fantastic and she makes and incredible things. REALLY VISIT HER BLOG if you have some minutes.

I have got another finished project but I can´t share it until saturday. The project is for Time for Magnolia next challenge and the theme is secret.

Suppliest / Erabilitakoak:
Paper Kaisercraft "Bonjour colection" and some Prima "romance novel" colection tags.
Craft cardstock. Bazzil Moss and Brown
Pearls and flowers from Kaiser, Woc in pewter, blue ice yellow and sea breeze. One blue butterflie from Artoz. Stamps Kaisercraft the same colection..
Crackle accents, cord, brown ribbon, organza ribbon, steamens in white and yellow from Rayher, eyelets, a feather, some glue, 3d foam.........................

1 comentario:

  1. Pat ha dejado un nuevo comentario en su entrada "Bonjour colection MINI -PATRICIA´s CRAP":

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my.......Thank you very much Elena!!! Guauuu,nice words about me.......i'm ashamed. Your Mini-album is really cute,very romantic with those flowers.......and the pages inside,I love them. Hope to see you soon Elena,in a workshop or wherever, Kisses.


Many thanks for stopping here and leave me your comment. All of them are very apreciated. Thanks.