
FASHIONISTA DT Anything goes - Notebook

Kaixo ongi etorri nere Blogera
Hello, good afternoon and welcome every one (followers and visitors)


Aupa irakurle, gaur astelehena da eta hemen nago berriro (igaro da dagoeneko hilabete oso bat) ere Fashionista lehiaketako diseinu taldeko kide bezala, aurtengo lehen lehiaketa aurkezteko asmoarekin.
Mila esker harpidedun guztieri eta bereiziki aurreko hilabetean lehiaketan parte hartu zenuten guztiori. Aurreko hilabeteko irabazlea nor izan den ikusi nahi baduzu, zoan gure lehiaketa orrira.

I am glad to announce you our first challenge in 2014 at Fashionista Challenge (one month is passed). It`s Monday and time for another challenge and I'm here as part of TEAM A over this challenge.

Thank you so much to all of you for following us and thank you all so much to those people who entered last challenge their creations. Hop over to fashionista to know who is last moonths winner.


Hilabete honetarako lehiaketarako gaia  /  Now onto the challenge for this month:

DENAK BALIO DU; sudurrik gabeko NESKA irudi estanpatu edo inprimatu bat erabiliz gero.
ANYTHING GOES  using a "no nose" GIRL stamp or digi.


Gure babesleak lehiaketa honetarako: 
Our sponsors this challenge: 
The Ribbon Girl eta Crimson cloud


Hemen behean duzue ikusgai oraingoan egin dudan proiektua; oharrak hartzeko koaderno bat oparitzeko, baino oraingoan zerotik egina nere Cinch koadernagailua erabiliaz. Summer wedding Tilda izeneko Magnolia bat erabili dut eta espero dut zu animatu izana gure lehiaketan parte hartu dezazun.

Here is that I made for the theme; I choose make one notebook to give as a gift; but this time I made all of them using my Cinch. . I used one Magnolia stamp called summer wedding Tilda from Special moments colection. I hope you like it and I've inspired you to join us for this challenge.

Irudiaren detailea: 365gmko Canson Bristol zurian dago estanpatua zigilua Memento Tuxedo black tintarekin. Beste behin ere nere Copicentzako dudan aerografoa erabili dut atzekaldea koloreztatzeko.

The close up of this cute stamp; is colored with Copic sketch markers and stamped in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm) with memento tuxedo black ink.  Also I´m been playing with my Copic Airbrush System again. I added some frantage also.


Loreak IamRoses, Prima eta Kaiser etxekoak; beste apaingarriak Ribbon Girls etxekoak. Zintak eta puntilla ia beti bezala Mondial Tissues dendakoak. Trokelak Spellbinders, Marianne sobrea txartelarekin, Go Kreate eta Tiffany markoa.

Flowers from IAMRoses, Prima and Kaisercrafts and embellishes Ribbon girls. Dies from Spellbinders, Marianne´s envelope, Go Kreate and Tiffany´s frame. The ribbons, lace and rafia are almost always as Mondial Tissues. 


Beste irudi batzuk / Some more pictures:

Paperak / Papers:  MMeye eta mauve cardstock.

Zoaz Fashionista orrira nere taldekideen lanak ikusi nahi badituzu; sari ugari dago irabazle eta lan aukeratuentzat; parte hartu gurekin. 3 aste dituzu zure lana aurkezteko

You might want to hop over to Fashionista Challenge for more DT inspirations and do check out the stunners from the rest of the team for this challenge and do join us for a chance to win an awesome prizes!!!. Please pop on over and check out my teammies blogs!
There are some great prizes for winner and selected works in the challenge. You have 3 weeks to submit your entries!!!

Idatzi egidazu zure iritzia nere lanaren inguruan (gogoz irakurtzen ditut) eta egin zaitez harpidedun ikusi duzuna gustatu bazaizu; goien duzu linka eta DOAN da!.
Leave me one comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).
Aste zoragarria izan dezazuela opa dizuet.
Thanks for coming by everyone; in the meantime have a wonderful week.

I would like to enter this project in the following challenges:
Thanks to the above blogs for lettin´ me play along.

33 comentarios:

  1. this is incredibly sweet and charming!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi (GD on lexi's creations challenge)

  2. So beautiful Elena! Love it! Hugs,

  3. really stunning Elena, love the colors and gorgeous details
    thanks for playing with us at fussy and fancy

  4. Elena what a beautiful project you did.
    Thanks for join us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge.

    Greetings Karin DT Coördinator

  5. Who did you say this notebook is for???? for me?????? ha ha ha ha Lovely Elena,very beautiful.xxx

  6. Oh I would love to receive a notebook like this, it's stunning. Thanks for playing along at
    Creative Fingers
    Hugs, Teresa DT
    Ceesa's Card Creations

  7. totally stunning! thank you for joining us at AS You Like It Challenge. hugs! Mojca

  8. totally stunning. thank you for joining us at AS You Like It Challenge. hugs! Mojca

  9. hello elena,
    very beautiful notebook, thankyou for joining us at the magnolia mania, greetings from sonja

  10. So beautiful notebook, love your color and flowers.
    Hugs Renate

  11. This one is adorable.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    hugs, Durvina

  12. Such a pretty notebook Elena and a gorgeous fusion of colours.

    Thank you so much for sharing your creativity with us at Stamping Sensations challenge.

    B x

  13. The problem with notebooks like this is that they are too beautiful to write in! Just gorgeous! Thank you for joining us at Sweet Stampin'. Sammy-x

  14. Beautiful notebook and so well done... love it

    Thank you so much because you want to join our challenge at Card and Scrap
    Regards DT, Lissy

  15. Koaderno zoragarria zurea Elena!
    Ez egin kasu Patriciari! Neretzat da ezta? Jajajajaj


  16. So beautiful:)
    Thank you for joining us at NSHK.

  17. Lovley notebook, great details and lovley coloring. Thank you for participating in Schetchy Colors this week and good luck.
    Hug Monica

  18. Wonderful project! I love the soft colors and the sparkle of the frantage. Thanks for dropping by to share this at 613 Avenue Create!

  19. Lovley notebook, great details and lovley coloring. Thank you for participating in Sketchy Colors this week and good luck.
    Hug Monica

  20. so pretty! What a lovely gift this will be for a lucky someone! Thanks for sharing your lovely notebook with us at Sweet Stampin'

  21. Beautiful card and love the colours chosen thankyou for taking part at artisitic inspirations this week.
    Fiona dt. x

  22. Wonderful card. Love the colors and your coloring of the image. Thanks for playing in our Anything Goes Challenge at TTCRD - XX Cara

  23. Lovely card. Thank you for joining us at Crafty Girls this fortnight xx

  24. Beautiful. Love the image and all the embelishments.
    Thank you for joining us at Creative Fingers

    Huggsss, Angelique

  25. This is gorgeous, Elena! So pretty, and lovely colours! Thank you for sharing it with us at Stamping Sensations this month.


  26. Gorgeous card and a beautiful job coloring. All of your embellishments are stunning. Thanks for playing along with our Anything Goes challenge at Color Me Creative.
    Cathy xx

  27. Your book is gorgeous! I love the purple. Thanks for joining us at CMC.


  28. Just a lovely bok!
    Thank for joining us at ScrapbookStampSociety Challenge
    Gr.Kaija DT-member

  29. I really adore this creation, wouldn't mind one myself lol. Thanks for joining us at Stamping Sensations this month.

  30. Fab notebook. Gorgeous colouring and embellies.

    Thank you for joining us over at the Scribble and Scrap Challenge. Good luck.

  31. lovely creation , Thanks for joining us at stamping sensations

    Francesca x

  32. Wow superb colouring and layout, absolutely stunning creation :)

    Thank you so much for joining us at
    Without Words Challenge I hope you will try to join us again next Month :)
    Have a lovely day
    Crafty hugs
    Bridget :)


Many thanks for stopping here and leave me your comment. All of them are very apreciated. Thanks.