
Hannah Lynn Masquerade copic txartela

Kaixo denoi

Gaurkoan Crafts and Me online dendarako egin dudan azken proiektua

Egia da ez dakidala zergatik baino azkenen txartel hau nola geratu denarekin liluratuta nago

Irudia: Hannah Lynn  marrazkilariaren azkenetako

Honek Benezia ekartzen dit gogora eta beti bisitatu nahi izan dudan tokia da (inhauterietan ahalko balitz)

Koloreak ez dira nigan oso ohikoak baino benetan gustora geratu naiz eta egia esan pentsatzen ari naiz egunen batean Benezia bisitatzeko aukera badut, txartela hau album baten azal bihurtuko da seguru.

Loreak Prima Flowers

Erabili ditudan copic koloreak:
Azala: E13, 11, 21, 00, 0000
Begiak: G99, YG63, 61
Soinekoa: BG90, 93, 96, 99
Horiak: Y11, 15, 19, 38 E13, 15
Hilea: E29, 57, 53

Apurtxo bat ibili naiz nere urre kolorezko gelly roll errotulkiarekin jolasean marrazkitxoak egiten.

Dena gaurkoz

Izan huntsa

15 comentarios:

  1. Elena this is a gorgeous creation. Love the bright colours, flowers and scrumptious bow. This will also be perfect for one entry as an anything goes creation for our challenge below.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  2. Breath taking absolutely gorgeous. Loving your image and the definition you have on your background paper.
    Thanks for joining us over at CRAFT, for our FANTASY challenge, hope to see you again and good luck in the draw.
    Jean DT xx

  3. Very pretty image! Thanks for joining us at Craft Rocket, Claire DT x

  4. amazing colouring and card Elena xx

  5. Qué pasada! Te ha quedado genial!

  6. Wow you are just so talented Elena. Your colouring is amazing. Its perfect for our 3rd ‘ATG with CREATE WITH TLC’ challenge. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. Good luck and hope to see you play with us again.
    {ATG with a CREATE WITH TLC Element}
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  7. Beautifully coloured card. I love the printed text. Thanks for joining Aud Sentiments challenge. Elaine

  8. Fantastic card and beautiful image. Thanks for joining us at Crafty Ribbons and hope you will join us again. Carol S. DT

  9. This is just adorable! Love that image! Thanks for joining us at 4 Crafty Chicks this week.
    Tina- 4CC DT

  10. MAGICAL card!
    LOVE your image & colouring, LOVE your layers and variety of embellishments too!
    THANK YOU for joining us at the Crafty Gals Corner :)

  11. Fabulous card, love your bow detail,
    thanks for playing along with our challenge at CRAFTY RIBBONS this week, come back soon
    x Carol C

  12. What a stunning card just love it. Thank you for joining us at the Anything Goes Polkadoodles Crafting Challenge. Helen DT

  13. Wow. Gorgeous card. Love all the details and your coloring.

  14. Stunning Elena, your colouring is amazing. Thank you for joining us for our 'Anything Goes' Challenge' at Polkadoodles. Hugs Lisa xxx


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