
Some news only.....

TOP 4 Selected at In the pink challenge "flowers" and  Winner at Inky chicks "Love"

Aupa egun on. Post labur bat adierazteko LAN HONEKIN  In the pink lehiaketan aukeratua izan naizela "Flowers" gaiarekin. 
Inky Chicks lehiaketan berriz irabazle zozketa bitartez txartel berdinarekin.
Eskarrik asko nere lana aukeratzeagatik. Ondo pasa eguna.

Good morning all. Only to say that I´m been selected at In the pink challenge with THIS CARD at "Flowers" challenge.

Also with the same card I won by random at Inky Chicks "Love". 

Thanks for select my work. Have a good day all.
Elena F.



Aupa hemen Fashionista lehiaketa blogerako egindako nere bigarren txartela aurkezten dizuet diseinu taldeko kide bezala. Oraingoan MILK and COFFEE gure gaurko esponsorraren irudiak erabiliaz, ezkontza edo urtemuga girotutako txartela egitea eskatu digute lan taldekoei. Niri hasieratik gustatu zitzaidan irudi hau oso erabilgarria iruditu zitzaidalako gai ezberdinetako lanak egiteko. Sekula egin ez dudan gaia aukeratu dut (ez delako gehien gustatzen zaidan gai bat alegia); ezkontzak.

Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik. Nere lana gustatzea espero dut.
Sarreraren bukaeran zerrendatutako lehiaketetan aurkeatuko dut txartel hau.

Hi, It´s Elena here.  I´m sharing last maked my second card for Fashionista challenge like a DT member. This time Rina asked we for make one card birthday or wedding themed with MILK and COFFEE sponsor images. First I saw this image, think it was very versatile for a different kind of themes and I´ll try with never choosen theme (because is not my favourite; but is a challenge to me too try to make my best with a non favourite theme): Wedding.
This challenge we want to see your..........Wedding or Birthday Cards!!
Our super sponsor is       Milk and Coffee

Look into other DT´s blog for more inspiration. I hope to see you at Fashionista Challenge.
Thanks your visit, I´ll hope you like my work.  I want to enter this card in the challenges listed at the end of the page.

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, oraingoan MILK AND COFFEE "Tiffany diva in her night dress" irudia erabili dut, Copic Sketch errotulagailuekin koloreztatua. Canson Bristol zuria (365 gm) paperean inprimatu dut. 

The close up of the image, MILK AND COFFEE " Tiffany diva in her night dress " digi stamp. The image is colored with Copic Sketchs markers and printed in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm).

Copics: E000, E00, E02, E11, E13, R20, R22, R24,R37, R39, R59, W1, W3, W5, BV000, E35, E15, YR23

Hurrengo irudietan txartelaren detaile batzuk.  Loreak eta pistiloak Iam roses, WOC eta Arteiseskoak dira. 2 organza larrosak nere ezkontza egunean hilean neramazkienak dira.

Next images, cards some details. Flowers and stamens are from Iam Roses. Other from WOC and a local store. 2 Organza roses where in my hair when I married.

Inside the card:

 Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. 
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia, DOAN DA) nere lana gustokoa baduzu. Ondo amaitu eguna.

That´s all folks. Thanks for stop here.
Leave your comment if you want and follow me if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE). Have a nice end of the day.

Honako lehiaketa hauetan aukeztuko dut / I want to enter this card in those challenges:

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudiak/Images: MILK AND COFFEE " Tiffany diva in her night dress " digi stamp.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Bazzil vanilla.
Paperak/Papers:  Kaisercraft “Bundle of joy” P1097 Stroller and Melissa Frances “Dotted craft” PA 383.             
Coloured with Copic Sketch markers  (All edges distressed with antique linen ink. pad).
Trokelak/dies:  Go kreate Large frame frilly #10 and Marianne design creatables Anja Square LR0242.
Flowers and rose buds: Iam roses, WOC and some from a local store. Organza 2 roses from my wedding.
Wooden hearts chipboard from Arteis.
Cheese cloth.
Organza ribbon, heart stamped satin ribbon and lace from a local store.
Pearls Artemio. Heart shape Doily Dovecfraft Tea party doily.
Trimcat, 3d foam, scissors, hot glue gun, scor-pal…



Kaixo; gaur ikasturte amaiera den honetan (badator uda naiz eta eguraldiak ez duen laguntzen) oporrak datoz. Gaur da eskola azken eguna haurrentzat bizi naizen herrian, bihar herriko festak hasten dira.........OPORRAK datoz udako gauzik onena.
Atzo presaka bukatu nuen lantxoa dakarkizuet; nere alabaren gelako haur bakoitzak bere andereinoari egindako marrazkiak jasotzeko karpeta. Ez ustean pasa zidaten herenegun eta ez dut gauza handirik egiterik izan. Gustatuko zaiola espero dut.

Hola; hoy es fin de curso (llega el verano aunque el tiempo no ayude en absoluto)....y llegan las esperadas vacaciones de verano!. Donde yo vivo los niños hoy tienen su ultimo día de clase, mañana empiezan las fiestas patronales, llega el verano .....y LO MEJOR DEL VERANO: LAS VACACIONES.
Ayer de madrugada acabé este pequeño proyecto que no es más que una sencilla (digo sencilla porque me lo pasaron anteayer de improvisto "para hacer algo" y no he tenido tiempo para hacer nada más elaborado) carpeta con los dibujos encuadernados de cada uno de los niños de clase de mi hija, como recuerdo para la profesora que han tenido los últimos 2 años.

Hello; today is the end of the classes in schools here where we live (summer arrives while weather does not help at all)... and just become the expected summer holidays!. Here children are having their last day of class today, tomorrow starts the festivities in our town, today comes the summer... .and best of summer: the holidays!.

Yesterday midnight I finished this little proyect that is nothing more than a simple (I say simple because one of fathers came to me yesterday at improvist with a lot of child draws "to do something with" and I have not had time to do anything more elaborated) folder with drawings of each children from My daughter class,
as a present for the teacher they had last 2 years.
Thanks all I´ll hope like this one I made.

Self made CLAY FRAME

Astea goza dezazuela opa dizuet.
Thanks for looking and enjoy your week.

Leave me a comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link).

Esto es todo por hoy; que tengáis una productiva y fantástica de semana tod@s.

Happy scrapping.


Dee Bee Bestie card

Aupa, azken amaitutako txartela dakarkizuet oraingoan. Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik.
Sarreraren bukaeran zerrendatutako lehiaketetan aurkeztuko dut txartel hau.

Good day all.  I´m sharing last finished card.
Thanks your visit, I´ll hope you like my work.  I want to enter this card in the challenges listed at the end of the page.

Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue, oraingoan Sherry Baldy-ren "Dee Bee Bestie" irudia erabili dut, Copic Sketch errotulagailuekin koloreztatua. Canson Bristol zuria (365 gm) paperean inprimatu dut. 

The close up of the image, Sherry Baldy´s "Dee Bee Bestie" digi stamp. The image is colored with Copic Sketchs and printed in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm).

Hurrengo irudian txartelaren lore apaingarriak.  Loreak eta pistiloak Iam roses, WOC eta Arteisekoak dira.

Next image, cards flowers close up. Flowers and stamens are from Iam Roses. Other from WOC and a local store.

Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. 
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu nere lana gustokoa baduzu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia, DOAN DA). Ondo amaitu eguna.

That´s all folks. Thanks for stop here.
Leave your comment if you want and follow me if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE). Have a nice end of the day.

Honako lehiaketa hauetan aukeztuko dut / I want to enter this card in those challenges:
http://bestieschallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/challenge-21-and-our-winners.html LACE and PEARLS
http://bunnyzoescrafts.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/june-challenge-wings.html  WINGS
http://ribbongirls.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/june-colour-challenge.html  Shades of pink
http://cheerylynndesignschallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/cheery-lynn-designs-challeng-85-keep-it.html KEEP IT CRAFTY (use craft)
http://acreativeromance.blogspot.no/2013/06/our-1st-challenge-is-here-anything-goes.html Anything goes
http://abc-challenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/p-for-pretty-in-pink.html Pretty in pink
http://fussyandfancychallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/challenge-91-button-up.html Button up
http://inthepinkchallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/challenge-22-pink-with-flowers-and.html Pink with flowers
http://inkychicks.blogspot.ca/2013/06/challenge-6-love.html Love
http://hobbyhousechallenge.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/challenge-1-anything-goes.html Anything goes
http://paulaholifieldcrafts.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/albc-something-sweet.html  something sweet
http://craftycatzweeklychallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/chall-187-lets-go-pink.html Lets go pink
http://basicgreychallenges.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/challenge-96doilies.html Doilies
http://creativecornerchallenges.blogspot.de/2013/06/girly-girl.html Girly
http://thepapershelter.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/challenge-116-pink-and-white-or-blue.html pink and white
http://digihaven.blogspot.ca/2013/06/anything-goes-challenge-for-our-one.html Anything goes
http://stampinfortheweekend.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/cute.html Cute
http://sendasmile4kidschallenge.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/for-girls-challenge.html For the girls
http://challenges4everybody.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/challenge-22-anything-goes.html Anything goes
http://craftyfriendschallengeblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/challenge-3.html fovourite color

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudiak/Images: Sherry Baldy´s Bestie “Bee  Dee  bestie”  digi stamp.
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Canson Mi tintes Framboise, Kraft cardstock (270gm), White Canson Bristol cardstock 365gm (for the image).
Paperak/Papers:  PRIMA “Romance Novel” paper pad.                   
Coloured with Copic Sketch markers  (All edges distressed with Vintege photo ink. pad).
Trokelak/dies:  Spellbinders rounds and Cheery Lynn stitched oval chain…….
Flowers: Iam roses, WOC and some from a local store.
Raffia, flower shape wooden buttons and trim from my stash. Pearls Artemio. Doily dovecraft. Parl brad from WOC.
Trimcat, 3d foam, scissors, hot glue gun, scor-pal… 


Saturated Canary LOVELY

Aupa hemen bukatutako beste txartel bat. Aspaldian ez nituela nere errotulagailuak erabiltzen eta ia ahaztuta nuen nola margotu beraiekin.
Hi it´s Elena here to share last card I finished. It is a lot of time (from earlier this year) that I´m not using my copic sketchs and finally I colored this lovely digi with them. Almost had forgotten how to use markes to paint with them.
Thanks your visit, I´ll hope you like my work.

Margotutako zigiluaren detailea hementxe duzue, Saturated Canary  "Lovely” zigilua erabili dut. Copic sketch markers errotulagailuekin koloreztatua. Canson Bristol (365 gm) paperean inprimatua.
The close up of the image, Saturated Canary "Lovely”. The image is coloured with Copic sketch markers. Printed in Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm).

Hurrengo irudietan txartelaren detaile batzuk. Loreak: WOC, Iam Roses, Tamayo, Arteis. 
Next images, card´s some datails. Flowers: A mix from WOC, I am roses and a local store.

Honako lehiaketa hauetan aukeztuko dut / I wish enter this card in those challenges:
Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. Aste buru ona izan.
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu nere lana gustokoa baduzu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia, DOAN DA). Horrekin poztu egingo nauzu.
That´s all folks. Thanks for stop here. Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely weekend!
Leave your comment If you like my work and follow me (up is the link and it´s FREE). With this, you´ll make may day!.

SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudiak/Images: Saturated Canary “Lovely" digi image printed in heavy Canson Bristol cardstock (365gm).
Kartulinak/Cardstocks Bazzil chaendler green and vanilla. Craft cardstock.
Paperak/Papers: MME “So sophie” and "29th street” paper pads.
Incadinkado Stamp music.
Coloured with Copic sketch markers. (All edges distressed with Vintage photo pad).
Trokelak/dies: Spellbinders ornate circle and scalloped circles. Cheery lynn dragonfly.
Flowers: WOC, Iam roses and local store.  Wooden corner from Arteis.
Raphia Lace from Mondial Tissues. Cheese cloth. Jute ribbon. Wooden leave chipboard. Charm. Jute twine trim.
Glitter glue Rayher (in clear sparkle), hot glue, Trimcat, scissors, scor-pal…



Aupa hemen atzo gabean (oso berandu gainera ) bukatutako txartela:
Hi it´s Elena here to share last card I finished yesterday evening (so late).
Thanks your visit, I´ll hope you like my work.

Margotutako zigiluaren detailea hementxe duzue, Magnolia "Lady Tilda” zigilua erabili dut. Distress Ink. Pads eta reinkers tinteekin koloreztatuak White Moulin du Coq Acuarelle cardstock (325 gm grano fina) paperean inprimatua. Versafine Onix Black tintarekin estanpatua.
The close up of the stamp, Magnolia "Lady Tilda” rubber stamp. The image is coloured with Distress Ink. Pads and Reinkers. Stamped with Versafine Onix Black in heavy White Moulin du Coq Acuarelle cardstock (325gm grain fin). I put some glitter over the stamp and it is a little crackle accents in the rose but I forgoten take a close up picture of this.

Distress Ink Reinkers/pads: Walnut stain, Antique linen, Vintage photo, Tattered rose, Victorian Velvet, Black shoot, Aged mahogany, Barnd door, Spiced marmelade, mustard seed and crushed olive.

Hurrengo irudietan txartelaren detaile batzuk. Loreak: WOC, Iam Roses, Tamayo, Arteis.
Next images, card´s some datails. Flowers: A mix from WOC, I am roses and a local store.

I used my new Frantage in Pink shabby and Im been making my own clay embellishments this weekend.
 So wrapped lovely tag stamped and added some lace and self inked seam binding ribbon.
 Inside the card
 Another view of the card
Honako lehiaketa hauetan aukeztuko dut / I wish enter this card in those challenges:
http://tildastown.wordpress.com/2013/06/07/challenge-56-anything-goes/   ANYTHING GOES
http://magnoliadownunderchallenges.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/challenge-200-thank-you.html  THANK YOU
http://magnolia-liciouschallengeblog.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/tuesday-challenge-lucious-lace.html  LUCIOUS LACE
Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik. Egun ona izan.
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu nere lana gustokoa baduzu (goien ezkerrean duzu botoia, DOAN DA). Horrekin poztu egingo nauzu.
That´s all folks. Thanks for stop here. Thank you very much for your visit, have a lovely day!
Leave your comment If you like my work and follow me (up is the link and it´s FREE). With this, you´ll make may day!.
SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Irudiak/Images: Magnolia´s “Lady Tilda". Stamped in Versafine onix black.
Kartulinak/Cardstocks : Mi tintes rose foncee,  and Bazzil vanilla. White Moulin du Coq Acuarelle cardstock 325gm (for the stamp).
Paperak/Papers: TOGA block deco paper pad by Pati d´onirie.
Coloured with DISTRESS INK PADS and Reinkers (All edges distressed with Vintage photo pad).
Trokelak/dies: Magnolia doohickeys so wraped lovely, La-la lands corner, Spellbinders ornate oval and simple oval and spellbinders edges and ornates.
Flowers: WOC, Iam roses and local store.
Laces from Mondial Tissues. Hug Snug seam binding ribbon inked with victorian velvet ink pad.
Paintbrushes (0+00+ 3/0+5/0), Glitter glue Rayher (in clear sparkle), hot glue, Trimcat, scissors, scor-pal…