Aupa hemen Fashionista lehiaketa blogerako egindako nere
bigarren txartela aurkezten dizuet diseinu taldeko kide bezala. Oraingoan MILK
and COFFEE gure gaurko esponsorraren irudiak erabiliaz, ezkontza edo urtemuga
girotutako txartela egitea eskatu digute lan taldekoei. Niri hasieratik gustatu
zitzaidan irudi hau oso erabilgarria iruditu zitzaidalako gai ezberdinetako
lanak egiteko. Sekula egin ez dudan gaia aukeratu dut (ez delako gehien
gustatzen zaidan gai bat alegia); ezkontzak.
Eskarrik asko zure bisitagatik. Nere lana gustatzea espero
Sarreraren bukaeran zerrendatutako
lehiaketetan aurkeatuko dut txartel hau.
Hi, It´s Elena here. I´m sharing last maked my second card for
Fashionista challenge like a DT member. This time Rina asked we for make one
card birthday or wedding themed with MILK and COFFEE sponsor images. First I saw this image, think it was very versatile for a different kind of themes and I´ll try with
never choosen theme (because is not my favourite; but is a challenge to me too
try to make my best with a non favourite theme): Wedding.
Look into other DT´s blog for more inspiration. I hope to see you at Fashionista Challenge.
Thanks your visit, I´ll hope you like my work. I want to enter this card in the challenges listed at the end of the page.
Margotutako irudiaren detailea hementxe duzue,
oraingoan MILK AND COFFEE "Tiffany diva in her night dress" irudia erabili
dut, Copic Sketch errotulagailuekin koloreztatua. Canson Bristol zuria (365 gm)
paperean inprimatu dut.
The close up of
the image, MILK AND COFFEE " Tiffany diva in her night dress "
digi stamp. The image is colored
with Copic Sketchs markers and
printed in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm).
Copics: E000, E00, E02, E11, E13, R20,
R22, R24,R37, R39, R59, W1, W3, W5, BV000, E35, E15, YR23
Hurrengo irudietan
txartelaren detaile batzuk. Loreak eta pistiloak Iam roses, WOC eta Arteiseskoak
dira. 2 organza larrosak nere ezkontza egunean hilean neramazkienak dira.
Next images,
cards some details. Flowers and stamens are from Iam Roses. Other from WOC and
a local store. 2 Organza roses where in my hair when I married.
Inside the card:
Hau dena gaurkoz. Eskarrik asko bisitagatik.
Utzi mezu bat nahi baduzu eta harpidetu (goien
ezkerrean duzu botoia, DOAN DA) nere lana gustokoa baduzu. Ondo amaitu eguna.
That´s all
folks. Thanks for stop here.
Leave your
comment if you want and follow me if you like my work (up is the link, and is
FREE). Have a nice end of the day.
Honako lehiaketa
hauetan aukeztuko dut / I want to enter
this card in those challenges:
SUPPLIES LIST / Erabilitakoak:
Kartulinak/Cardstock : Bazzil vanilla.
Paperak/Papers: Kaisercraft “Bundle of joy” P1097 Stroller and
Melissa Frances “Dotted craft” PA 383.
Coloured with Copic Sketch markers (All edges distressed with antique linen
ink. pad).
Trokelak/dies: Go kreate Large frame
frilly #10 and Marianne design creatables Anja Square LR0242.
Flowers and rose buds: Iam roses, WOC and some from a local store. Organza
2 roses from my wedding.
Wooden hearts chipboard from Arteis.
Cheese cloth.
Organza ribbon, heart stamped satin ribbon and lace from a local store.
Pearls Artemio. Heart shape Doily Dovecfraft Tea party doily.
Trimcat, 3d foam, scissors, hot glue gun, scor-pal…