
COPIC altered notebook

♥♥♥Ongi etorri nere Blogera ♥♥♥
♥ Good morning and welcome every one to my blog♥


Gaur COPIC blogerako egin dudan lana erakutsi nahi dizuet; beste liburuxka bat. Bai azken aldian bat baino gehiago ikusi dizkidazue baino kontua da ikasturte amaierarako oparitzeko hainbat behar ditudala; irakasleentzat eta oso lagunkoiak izan diren ama batzuentzat ere.

Hilabete amaiera arte iraungo duen gaia: oso EMAKUMEZKO kutsua duen zerbait zure Copic errotulagailuak erabiltzen dituzun bitartean. Saria fenomeno oraingoan ere; animatu parte hartzera.

I´m here sharing my project to Copic Spain´s challenge. My project is ANOTHER one altered notebook (yes another one???; I need some of thoses to give them as a present at the end of the classes (teachers, and some so helpful mothers....).The challenge theme until the end of the MONTH is GIRLY; using your Copics.
Of course we have one Grand Prize for one random winner AGAIN!.

As long as you use your COPIC markers everything is allowed. So show us you most beautiful cards, boxes, bags, Lay Outs, whatever you like and go for those Grand Prizes!.


Espero dut zure gustokoa izatea nere proiektua eta zu animatu izana gure lehiaketan parte hartu dezazun.

I hope you like it and I've inspired you to join us for this challenge.

Irudia/ Digi: Time for Tea;  Wedding Belle.


Irudiaren detailea:  365gmko Canson Bristol zurian dago estanpatua irudia eta Copic errotulagailuekin koloreztatua (beherago duzue erabilitakoen zerrenda).

The close up of this cute DIGI; is colored with Copic sketch markers and printed in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm). You have the Copics used.

COPICS used:
Azala/skin: E0000, 00, 21, 13  +  R20, 22
Hilea/hair:  E50, 53, 43, 57
Soinekoa/dress: BG000, 01, 05, 09
Berdeak/greens: YG00, 03, 67
Moreak/violets: V000, 01, 04
Larrosa gorriak/Red roses: R20, 22, RV29
Zapata/shoe: E53, 43, 57

Gure babesleak / Our sponsors:




Hilabete osoa duzu zure lana aurkezteko (BAT bakarra).
Idatzi egidazu zure iritzia nere lanaren inguruan (gogoz irakurtzen ditut) eta egin zaitez harpidedun ikusi duzuna gustatu bazaizu; goien duzu linka eta DOAN da!.

You have ALL MONTH to submit your entrie (only ONE) !!!
You might want to hop over to our Challenge blog for more DT inspirations and do check out the stunners from the rest of the team for this challenge and do join us for a chance to win an awesome prizes!!!. Please pop on over and check out my teammies blogs!

Leave me one comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).

Aste zoragarria izan dezazuela opa dizuet, eguraldiak laguntzeko asmorik ez duen arren.
Thanks for looking and enjoy the start of your week!

I would like to enter this project in the following challenges:
http://copicmarkereurope.blogspot.fr/p/challenge-page.html (never coloured T4T image AND never done a wedding coloring like NO WEDDING).


Marvelous Magnolia DT card

♥♥♥Kaixo ongi etorri nere blogera♥♥♥
♥ Hi, good afternoon blogers ♥

Hemen nago berriz Marvelous Magnolia lehiaketako kide bezala hurrengo bi asteetarako gaia aurkezteko; zure Magnolia berriena edo gogokoena.

It`s Thursday and time for another challenge at Marvelous Magnolia. I'm here as part of DREAMY TEAM over this challenge. Our challenge theme for the next 2 weeks is:  YOUR NEWEST OR FAV MAGNOLIA .


Gure babesleak / Our sponsors:

Hurrengo bi asteetarako lehiaketa gaiarako egindako txartela gustatuko zaizulakoan eta gurekin lehian parte hartzeko inspiratuko zintudalakoan aurkezten dizut nere lana.

I hope you like the card I made for the theme and I've inspired you to join us for this challenge. I used one of my fabs Magnolia stamp.


Irudiaren detailea:  365gmko Canson Bristol zurian dago estanpatua zigilua Memento Tuxedo black tintarekin eta Copic errotulagailuekin koloreztatua (beherago duzue erabilitakoen zerrenda).

The close up of this cute stamp; is colored with Copic sketch markers and stamped in heavy White Canson Bristol cardstock (365 gm) with memento tuxedo black ink. You have the list with used Copics.

COPICS used:
Hair: E50,53,43,57
Skin: E0000, 00 21, 11 +R20
Water: BG000, 01
Pinks: R81, 83, 85, 89
Float:  C1, 3, 5 B91, 93, 95, 97


Zoaz Marvelous Magnolia orrira nere taldekideen lanak ikusi nahi badituzu; sari ugari dago irabazle eta lan aukeratuentzat; parte hartu gurekin. 2 aste dituzu zure lana aurkezteko.

You might want to hop over to Marvelous Magnolia Challenge for more DT inspirations and do check out the stunners from the rest of the team for this challenge and do join us for a chance to win an awesome prizes!!!. Please pop on over and check out my teammies blogs!
There are some great prizes for winner and selected works in the challenge. You have 2 weeks to submit your entries!!!

Idatzi egidazu zure iritzia nere lanaren inguruan (gogoz irakurtzen ditut) eta egin zaitez harpidedun ikusi duzuna gustatu bazaizu; goien duzu linka eta DOAN da!.

Leave me one comment if you want (your comments are always appreciated) and follow my blog if you like my work (up is the link, and is FREE).

Astea zoragarri amaitu dezazuela opa dizuet.
  Thanks for coming by everyone; in the meantime have a wonderful week.

I would like to enter this project in the following challenges:
http://theshabbytearoom.blogspot.fr/2014/04/week-216-tic-tac-toe.html   Fabric,ribbon,flowers
http://deepoceanchallengeblog.blogspot.com.es/2014/04/challenge-76-stitching-true-or-false.html  TRUE STITCHING